General information
Phone number:(+34) 965 590 267
Area:El Comtat
Address:Av. País Valencià, 60, 03820 Cocentaina, Alacant
Oil and olives
Type of oil Virgin and Extra Virgin
Type of olive Blanqueta, Manzanilla, Alfafarenca, Arbequina and Picual.
Almazara Information
Oil tasting:Yes
Restaurant / Bar:No
Guided visit:Yes
Exhibition / Museum:Yes
Payment:Cash / Credit card
Opening times:Monday to Friday, from 8:00am to 2:00pm and 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Saturday from 9:00am to 2:00pm.

The COOP Catholic Agricultural Cooperative. V. was established in 1944 and remains faithful to its economic-social spirit of serving members through its different sections, its main purpose being the obtaining of virgin olive oil and its commercialization. The quality of OLI EL COMTAT is determined by the continuous improvement of the extraction processes inside the mill and by the exquisite treatment of the olive by the harvesting partners, with a careful ancestral tradition for the care of the olive trees. This quality is obtained with the utmost respect for the environment.

The quality of OLI EL COMTAT virgin olive oil is based on a good raw material, such as the olive from the El Comtat region, mostly from the blanqueta variety and a lower percentage of chamomile and alfafarenca. At the reception in the mill, the olive is separated by varieties and the process continues in the yard of cleaning and storage separately, separation that is maintained in the processing and in the cellar. In the laboratory, the fat percentage and the quality of the olive are controlled. The milling of the olive is immediate, always less than 24 hours. A process of centrifugation in two phases is used to obtain the virgin oil, obtaining on the one hand virgin oil and on the other hand alperujo. In the process, the temperature is controlled so as not to reduce the organoleptic characteristics of the virgin oil.

Once obtained, it goes through a process of centrifugation and natural decanting before being stored in the cellar. From the winery the virgin oil is filtered and packed in the same facilities in the different packages and varieties, always under the brand OLI EL COMTAT.

The Cooperative has also opted for renewable energy with a photovoltaic solar energy installation that produces more electricity than it consumes. The heating is obtained from a biomass boiler that works with olive bone. Our energy balance is positive and sustainable.