Olive oil in the province of Alicante
Evidences, testimonies, witnesses and quotes about olive oil in the province of Alicante through some historical notes:
“… carbonized olive bones from the Neolithic period were found in the Cova de les Cendres in Teulada”.
“… during the Roman era oil lamps were used to light the way people walked near the Roman Sanctuary of La Serreta (Alcoi-Cocentaina-Penáguila)”.
“… copious production of delicious oil, I did not see in my life olives of such size or so tasty.” Jerónimo Münzer – Travel through Spain and Portugal in the years 1494 and 1495.
“… in past centuries, it was by the Baix Vinalopó region, a land of great olive tradition, where innumerable oil mills existed throughout the region” (anonymous).